Submitted by Shanelle Ramage, Student Rights and Responsibilities Officer
Consent Awareness Week is a nation-wide effort started by Courage to Act to educate Canadians on what it means to give consent. The first six weeks of school have been designated as the Red Zone, as there is an increase in sexual and gender-based violence at post-secondary schools. It is important that the conversation of consent goes beyond the first six weeks of school and expands into all relationships, not just intimate ones.
Over the course of this week, the Student Rights & Responsibilities Office (SRRO) will be providing opportunities for students and staff to engage in important conversations. This includes resource and information booths in residence, hosting a virtual tri-campus Bringing in the Bystander workshop, and collaborating with the BEDI team to offer a hybrid screening of a documentary titled “W’at Abowt Us”. This documentary focuses on the #MeToo Movement and will be followed by a Q&A with the creators of the film. These events care open to all members of the SLC community. More information can be found on URSLC.
In addition to these events, we are happy to share that Consent Week coincides with the launching of a sexual violence prevention and training program titled “It Takes All of Us”. This learning program was developed by KnowledgeOne and Concordia University in collaboration with the SLC Student Rights & Responsibilities Office. This training includes modules on sexual violence, sexual consent, bystander intervention strategies, and how to support survivors. Students can self-enroll in the program as a self-paced Blackboard course by using the following link: Click here to self-enroll in the It Takes All Of Us - Sexual Violence Prevention Training.
The SRRO supports those impacted by sexual violence by providing resources, support and service navigation. We respond to all disclosures of sexual and gender-based violence with a consistent, trauma-informed approach through providing choices, including detailed information and support, such as provision of and/or referral to counselling and medical care, information about legal options, safety planning, and appropriate Interim Measures such as Academic Accommodations and Adjustments.
We encourage you to contact the SRRO if you have questions or concerns. We are a support for students and employees. Additionally, we are available to provide training and resources on sexual and gender-based violence.
Campus Support
SLC Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (tri-campus)
SLC Student Wellness and Accessibility (tri-campus)
Belonging, People and Culture (tri-campus)
Canadian Organizations
Ending Violence Association of Canada
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Assaulted Women’s Hotline
Fem’aide (French only)
Courage to Act
Kingston |
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston (SACKingston)
Brockville Assault Response & Care Centre (ARCC)
Sexual Assault Support Services (SASS) Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry and Akwesasne