
From Kiwis to Cheeks -  Shaving the Way to Spa-Ready Skin!  

esthetician students
Left to right: students Jana Caughill and Madison Lemire

Submitted by Dr. Aba Mortley , Professor, Esthethics 

In the ever-evolving world of esthetic treatments, staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial; it's essential. In our skilled trades - esthetic training program, we're doing exactly that by incorporating hands-on training with one of the hottest trends in skincare: dermaplaning. This term, our students took their first swipe—not on human skin, but on the fuzzy surface of kiwis! 

Why kiwis, you might ask? The surface texture of a kiwi closely mimics that of human skin, making it an excellent and safe model for beginners to practice the precise strokes required for dermaplaning. This unique approach not only adds a twist of fun to learning but also builds foundational skills with a blade, preparing our students for real-world applications. It also allows for a delicious snack after class!  
Dermaplaning is a gentle yet effective exfoliating treatment that scrapes away the top layers of dead skin with a special aesthetic scalpel. The process is delicate and requires a steady hand and an understanding of facial anatomy to ensure safety and effectiveness. By practicing on kiwis, students learn to handle the blade with care, avoiding unnecessary pressure that could lead to cuts or abrasions.  

The main goal of this practice is twofold: to allow students to become comfortable with the tool and to perfect their technique so they can confidently perform on each other in future sessions. This ensures that by the time they are spa-ready, they are not only knowledgeable about the theory but are also skilled in one of the most in-demand esthetic treatments.  

As we move forward, we hope that our students will transition from kiwis to cheeks, applying their refined skills to enhance skin texture and appearance, making professional-quality dermaplaning a staple in their skill set. This progression from fruit to face isn’t just about learning a technique—it’s about shaping the future of skincare professionals who are as innovative as they are skilled.  
Stay tuned for more updates from our cutting-edge program, where the future of beauty is being polished one stroke at a time!  

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