St. Lawrence College's Cornwall Campus offers the in-school study portion of the General Carpenter Apprenticeship Program for students already registered and working in the trade, as defined by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.
Level 1 Apprenticeship Program Code 0575
Level 2 Apprenticeship Program Code 0576
Level 3 Apprenticeship Program Code 0577
After completing all three levels and the required number of hours of job-site experience, apprentices are eligible to write the Certificate of Qualification Exam for Carpentry.
This program is funded in part by the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development.
Learn more about Apprenticeships in Ontario. For start dates, contact the Employment Ontario apprenticeship office in your area.
Program Details
Program Highlights
This program is considered a Red Seal trade (see www.red-seal.ca - opens a new window). Apprenticeship grants are designed to make a career in the trades an attractive choice and to encourage more apprentices to complete their training. Eligible apprentices may receive up to $4,000 which can be used to pay for tuition, travel, tools, or other expenses.
As per the Service Canada website, registered apprentices who have successfully finished their first or second year/level (or equivalent) in one of the Red Seal trades can apply for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (AIG) which is a taxable cash grant of $1,000 per year/level up to a maximum of $2,000. Registered apprentices who complete their training, become a certified journeyperson in a designated Red Seal trade, and who obtain either the Red Seal endorsement or a provincial or territorial Certificate of Qualification can apply for the Apprenticeship Completion Grant (ACG) which is a taxable cash grant of $2,000. For more information visit www.servicecanada.gc.ca.
Program Outline
This course introduces the field of carpentry. Course content outlines the evolution and regulation of the trade and examines health hazards, safety risks, and PPE (personal protective equipment). Access equipment including ladders and scaffolding is covered in detail as are rigging and hoisting. The application of materials in residential and commercial construction including wood 12 168 12 168 and wood products is discussed. Joints, fasteners, and the selection, use, and maintenance of hand and power tools are explored.
This course defines the working relationships between the stakeholders involved in the construction process including owners, architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, and controlling authorities. Course content also introduces different types of plans and drawings and their interpretation as well as freehand sketching.
This course focuses on the use of trade calculations to solve problems and explores basic geometric procedures.
This course provides students with an introduction to oxy-acetylene cutting and the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process for non-structural components. Related safety practices and general operating principles are emphasized.
This course introduces the student to all of the key elements of residential construction from building site requirements, excavation, footings and foundations through beams, columns, floor systems and framing, roof systems, and exterior and interior finishes. Students are exposed to the principles of building science throughout the course and come to understand the house as a system. The shop component of the course provides experiential learning activities designed to reinforce construction theory and to prepare the student for larger culminating projects in Semester 3 and for the workplace.
This course focuses on the information and mathematical and problem-solving skills needed to estimate the amount and cost of materials required in residential construction.
This course focuses on commercial construction practices. Topics of study include excavation, shoring, shallow and deep foundations, concrete forming and reinforcement, ICF construction, concrete block and masonry construction, and precast concrete structures. Students gain knowledge in the installation of suspended ceilings and metal studs. They also study the layout, fabrication, and erection of timber frame structures, stairs, and SIPs. In addition, the students calculate and solve various construction related math problems.
This course focuses on blueprints relating to multi-family and heavy commercial construction. Topics covered include prints for plot plans, footings and foundations, structural steel and welding, masonry, HVAC, and plumbing and electrical. Students also gain knowledge in stair building techniques and codebook interpretation.
This course focuses on the information and mathematical problem-solving skills needed to estimate the amount and cost of materials required in commercial construction.
Admission Requirements
The apprentice must be:
- Sponsored by an employer
- Registered with the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
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