
Maxime Corneau

Designer Bio

Designer / Illustrator 

As you may know, I am a graphic design student graduating this year and couldn’t be more excited. I have always wanted to enter the creative sector, and my skills in this sector will flourish. I continue to expand in the creative industry by wanting to enter photography, motion graphics, 3D modeling, and video editing. I am a problem solver who loves using statistics, research, and analysis to base my designs on their needs. My interest in design comes from wanting to make the world an expressive and differently aesthetic world in which functionality comes first. 

I specialize in packaging, illustrations, and branding design. I appreciate the development and products I have had the opportunity to work on in the past and continue to improve myself.



linkedin: Maxime Corneau 

twitter: 2MaximeCorneau 


Brand Identity Design II 


My objective for the presented project is to create a logo for an up-and-coming Canadian assurance company called HUWIZ. The goal was to create a new logo alongside the expansion of a complete rebrand. 


HUWIZ is a company that focuses on ensuring the proper process regarding digital means such as video games, websites, various platforms, consoles, and media performance. They dedicated themselves to team leadership to manage the projects at hand. I first focused on the logo variation, bringing in the brand’s activities using the Z as the coding brackets regularly used in coding. The colors also represent futuristic, coding, and computer emphasis while keeping a rounded but geometric font, keeping humanity in the brand activities. The brand activities mentioned are a representation of the company’s values, craft, and feel of the company.


Typography V


My objective for the typography book was to create an original piece from content found in Kingston On. With my interest in spray paint and illustrative art, I had to display a grid system alongside the pictures taken, demonstrating my understanding of flow, clear space, and grid systems. 


The Art of Graffiti Wall was created with constant grit, spray paint, and a negative space theme. I used a total of pages to showcase the art and fully understand the texture and the artist’s style. I believed in using negative space as a strong point, with a grid layout that is unique and interchangeable with the book.


Interaction Design  IV  


The project’s objective was to identify a problematic area that is difficult to use or not intuitive to modern design and media. My choice of subject is the trailing apps used for those wanting to go hiking, in which social features were significantly missing from  
the application. 


Overlanders Trail is an application designed with social features in mind. The application implements features such as adding friends, following social tabs and joining people on their trail. Overlanders pings are also implemented to help those using the application know trail conditions and public updates within the surrounding area.