Following the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001 Firefighter I & II and NFPA 1072 standard, this program blends theory, lab practice, and field experience. Students will be expected to perform fire related duties at a considerable height or in very confined spaces in preparation for entry into the firefighting profession. Prepare yourself for an exciting career as a professional firefighter, or in related employment.
Program Details
Program Highlights
Everything we do we believe in challenging the status quo and we believe in thinking differently.
The way we challenge the status quo is by being innovative with our delivery, smaller class sizes, great instructor-to-student ratio and by our close partnership with our area Fire Services.
For more than 15 years the Pre-Service Firefighter Education & Training Program at St. Lawrence College has successfully provided students with the knowledge and skills required to become firefighters. Students develop a sound knowledge of fire dynamics, fire suppression, fire prevention, auto extrication, emergency patient care, simulated and controlled live fire training scenarios and community service. Students also receive assistance with their resumé, career planning and attend a mock interview session in preparation for the job application process. A St. Lawrence College graduate will be career-ready and prepared to enter the fire service industry.
In 2019, we added some exciting new courses to our program. FIRE 1035 follows the NFPA 1035 standard for Fire and Life Safety Educator Level 1. This course builds on the Community Risk Reduction section of NFPA 1001 and gives the student more in-depth knowledge and skills required in relation to Fire Prevention and Education. FIRE 800 Emergency Medical Responder now follows the Canadian Red Cross EMR program and the participants will be engaged in dynamic training techniques including video, media presentations, skills demonstrations, practice sessions, discussions and scenarios based on real-life situations. At the end of the course, the participant will be able to take the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Medical Responder certification hosted at the college.
Also available in the program is FIRE 900 Wildfire Management and Response is the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) SP 103 course. This course is designed to provide the municipal firefighter with the knowledge, skills and basic understanding of wildfire management operations across Canada and is facilitated by an instructor with over 35 years of MNR wildfire experience. FIRE 1000 Technical Rescuer Introduction is NFPA 1006 Chapter 5 rope core competencies. Chapter 5 is the prerequisite for any further technical rescue course in Ontario.
The program is run in conjunction with the Brockville Fire Department, our local fire department partner. Our students learn and work hand-in-hand with the men and women of the Brockville Fire Department at their stations, as well we have a strong partnership with Elizabethtown-Kitley Fire and Emergency Services and work closely with their personnel” and equipment.
Upon successful completion of the fire-specific components, the graduate will be eligible to undergo provincial testing to meet the requirements of the Office of the Fire Marshal & Emergency Management. Upon successful completion of all provincial testing the student will achieve NFPA 1001 Firefighter I & II certification and NFPA 1072 Hazardous Materials, NFPA 1035 Fire and Life Safety Educator Level 1.
Program Outline
This Course provides an overview of the fire service, its organization and professionalism as well as basic components of fire ground operations within the structure of an incident management system. Content will focus on fire ground operations. Specific knowledge, attitudes and skills of the firefighter will be included.
Course Description Module A: Introduction to the Fire Service, History and Safety This module provides an overview of the fire service, the professionalization process for firefighters, fire and emergency services organizations, and the roles and responsibilities of employees. In particular, it focuses on the knowledge, attitudes and skills required of a firefighter with emphasis on Ontario.
In addition, legislation and Course Description Module B: Fire Behaviour After completing this module, the student shall be able to explain the science of fire behavior as it relates to recognizing stages of fire development, rapid fire behaviour, and fire fighting operational safety. Course Description Module C: Fire Ground Operations This module provides an overview of the basic components of fire ground operations within the structure of an incident management system. Content will focus on fire ground operations. Specific knowledge, attitudes and skills of the firefighter will be included.
Firefighter Communications:
A. Students will study and demonstrate the application of communication strategies to express ideas in clear, correct, and effective written form.
B. Instruction and practice will include judging and writing grammatically correct and correctly punctuated sentences, constructing appropriately developed paragraphs, and structuring and effectively expressing college essays.
C. Students will review grammar, proofreading/revision processes, and strategies for answering essay-type questions. Computer will be available to students as often as possible to allow practice in composition and the use of computer program features designed to facilitate editing.
After completing this Course, the student shall be able to describe the role of a Firefighter I in the development and implementation of a fire and life safety program. Students will also be able to explain the process of selecting and delivering appropriate fire and life safety messages. After completing this Firefighter II lesson, the student shall be able to plan and conduct private dwelling and pre-incident planning surveys. Students should also be able to explain the components and considerations for preparing and delivering fire and life safety presentations.
Firefighter Fitness Training:
A. Introduces the concept of wellness and practical strategies for developing a healthy lifestyle.
B. Lectures & practical experience to address physical fitness, nutrition, self-responsibility & social interaction.
C. The student will develop and design and implement an effective personal fitness program.
This course is designed to prepare Fire Fighter students for professionaldesignation exams by exposing them to example tests. There is emphasis on mathematics and calculations without the use of calculators. Critical thinking is arequired part of the scenario solutions.
This course provides an overview of the firefighter as a member of the emergency patient care team. The role of the firefighter in scene stabilization is highlighted; including comprehensive first aid and CPR skills, patient assessment, and patient care management for common acute and chronic conditions during various fire service emergency responses. Students will practice hands-on skills and patient care scenarios in simulated learning environments.
By completing this course, students will receive certification with the Red Cross as an Emergency First Responder.
After completing this course, the student shall be able to describe various mitigation efforts to be performed at hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction incidents. In addition, students will perform various skills relating to defensive control functions.
Prerequisite(s): FIRE300
This course designed to provide students with the skills necessary to deliver and coordinate existing fire and life safety education at various levels within a community. In addition to looking at fire behaviour, human behaviour during fire; educational methodology; basic fire protection systems and devices, this course will cover the following subjects: scheduling of fire and life safety activities, identifying and recognizing opportunities for shared efforts with common fire and life safety goals, recognizing and mitigating potential hazards, and adapting lesson plans to the needs of the audience.
Prerequisite(s): FIRE100 + FIRE600
Firefighter Fitness Training:
A. Introduces the concept of wellness and practical strategies for developing a healthy lifestyle.
B. Lectures & practical experience to address physical fitness, nutrition, self-responsibility & social interaction.
C. The student will develop and design and implement an effective personal fitness program.
Prerequisite(s): FIRE700
This course compliments FIRE 1001 and continues to provide an overview of the firefighter as a member of the emergency patient care team. Students will learn the knowledge and skills needed to provide appropriate patient assessments, interventions, and ongoing care, including the transportation of a patient to a healthcare facility. Students will practice hands-on skills and patient care scenarios in simulated learning environments.
This course follows the National Occupational Competency Profiles (NOCP) as defined by the Paramedic Association of Canada. By completing this course, students will receive certification with the Red Cross as an Emergency Medical Responder.
This course applies practical application of skills and practices learned in Fire 100, 200 and 300.
The purpose of the Firefighter Skills Development is to afford students an opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned and to apply them during intensive practice of basic firefighting skills in a simulated environment, including live fire. Students will also gain better insight into the role of the firefighter, the operation of the fire service and other related emergency services.
A) Individual and Team based skills development through practice. 100 hours
B) Ontario Fire Marshal's Office provincial testing and evaluation. 18 hours
Prerequisite(s): FIRE100 + FIRE200
After completing this course, the student will be able to describe, identify and use various Technical Rescuer Skills as outlined by NFPA 1006, Chapter 5 core skills. NFPA 1006, Chapter 5 is the prerequisite skills for all Technical Rescue specialty areas.
This course has been designed to provide students with a basic understanding of wildfire management operations across Canada. Particular emphasis is placed on meeting the course content of the SP103. The SP103 has been specifically designed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management and the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs for municipal fire services.
Prerequisite(s): FIRE100
Admission Requirements
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with the majority of Grade 11 and 12 courses at the C, U or M level including the following prerequisites:
- Grade 12 English at the C or U level
- Grade 11 Math at the C, U or M level
For OSSD equivalency options, see Admission Requirements.
If you are missing prerequisite courses, enroll in the Career/College Prep program, free for Ontario residents who are 19 years or older.
- Are your transcripts from outside of Canada? Please visit Applying to SLC - With Your Transcripts for more information.
Health Requirements
Physical Activity Readiness (PAR-Q Plus). Accepted candidates must meet the health requirements of field placement settings and NFPA 1582.
The PAR-Q Plus will be completed on the first day of Fitness class.
- In view of strenuous physical demands of the firefighter, it is strongly recommended that applicants acquire and maintain an advanced level of physical fitness including cardiovascular and upper body strength, prior to the start of the program.
Applicants are required to submit the following in accordance with pre-admission information which will be provided by the College:
- Standard First Aid and CPR level C/AED with BLS
- Minimum 20/30 uncorrected vision in both eyes with no significant colour deficiency is a normal fire department requirement but will not prevent admission into this program. NOTE: You are not required to have an eye exam for program admission. Please see the program coordinator for more information.
- Physical Fitness Readiness (PAR-Q Plus); will be required on the first fitness class
- Students in the Pre-Service Firefighter Program will have direct contact with vulnerable persons and are required to undergo a police record check. It is important for potential students to understand that certain requirements are beyond the control of St. Lawrence College and may prevent students from completing the full program, including the pre-graduate work experience, and/or securing employment. Applicants are advised to check the requirements for specific positions in which they are interested before enrolling in this program. The Police Records Check for Service with the Vulnerable Sector may have to be renewed during the school year. Faculty will support students upon arrival to the program to ensure they apply for the correct type of police documentation at the appropriate time.
- Students are strongly advised to have visual acuity, colour vision and hearing assessed, and to ensure they are free of acrophobia and claustrophobia. A deficit in any of these areas may prevent securing employment in the fire service.
- Students are required to adhere to the code of conduct as found in the Pre-Service Firefighter Program Handbook which includes professionalism, integrity, reliability, punctuality, maturity and strong interpersonal and communication skills.
- Students are advised that all competencies specified for this program must be met, therefore, attendance in class, lab and field placement experience is essential.
- Attendance for theory and practical sessions is mandatory. The classroom and practical settings closely resemble conditions in a Fire Department. Students are expected to follow program standards regarding behavioural conduct.
Immunization - Communicable Disease Requirements
· NOTE: Immunizations are not longer mandatory for the Pre-Service Firefighter Program. It is however highly recommended that each student consider immunizations as this will be excepted for full-time employment in the fire service. Please see the Communicable Disease form below on what is required.
· It is strongly recommended students be fully vaccinated and have the yearly seasonal flu vaccine.
Download the Immunization - Communicable Disease Form
Questions about completing this form can be sent to immunizations@sl.on.ca.
Note: Full-time student coverage for vaccines received on or after September 1 can be claimed under the Student Sickness & Accident Insurance Plan.
Other Requirements
Current Basic Cardiac Life Support (Level C)/AED and Standard First Aid with BLS (Basic Life Support CPR) are required before starting the program.
Fees are estimates only. Tuition is based on three semesters.
Our Brockville campus has a modernized library, complete with individual and group study space, a newly renovated cafeteria, student common lounges, and more.

Career Opportunities
- Industrial Fire and Safety
- Professional Firefighting
- Municipal Fire Department
- Fire Inspection
- Volunteer Firefighting
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Fire Prevention and Public Education
- Canadian Military
- Airport authority as an airport firefighter
Other Information
Programs at St. Lawrence College are delivered using a variety of instruction modes. Courses may be offered in the classroom or lab, entirely online, or in a hybrid mode which combines classroom sessions with online learning activities. Program delivery can be run weekdays, weekends or evenings. Upon registration, each full-time student is provided a St. Lawrence College email account which is used to communicate important information about program or course events.
Program Contacts
Program Contact
Captain Mark Weldon
613.345.0660, ext. 3175
Admissions Information
Click here to message Recruitment.