
Indigenous Education Council

Vision, Mission, and Values

The St. Lawrence College Strategic Plan outlines the vision, mission, and values of our College.

  • Vision: “Rooted in our communities, we will be a globally recognized college delivering innovative learning opportunities and preparing career-ready graduates to be leaders in their fields.”
  • Mission: “We are dedicated to student success, academic excellence, and leadership in our communities.”
  • Values:
  1. We put our students first. “Our staff is committed to providing our students with the programs, services, and personal support to ensure their success.”
  2. Through teamwork we work to “deliver excellence in all that we do – for our students, our colleagues, and our communities.”
  3. “We believe building upon our achievements and focusing on innovation will advance the College and allow us to meet the evolving needs of our students now and in the future.”
  4. “We exemplify integrity; it governs our actions and decision-making processes.
  5. "We believe honesty, inclusivity and accountability are the pathways to success. As our communities evolve, we look to create a sense of Belonging for our students, team, and partners. We celebrate diversity, respect our differences, value contributions, and foster an environment where everyone feels they can participate without discrimination in our College community."

The St. Lawrence College Indigenous Education Council (IEC) fully supports the vision, mission, and values of the College in striving to meet the unique needs of Indigenous students and their communities. Indigenous students include First Nations (status and non-status), Metis, and Inuit.


As part of the Indigenous mandate with the Ministry, St. Lawrence College established an Indigenous Education Council in 1993. The IEC supports and enhances the implementation of the goals set out by the College in its Indigenous Student Success Fund for Colleges and Universities program and the meeting of the objectives of the Multi-Year Accountability Agreement. Members of the IEC have the responsibility of advocating for the needs and interests of Indigenous students.

Specifically, the IEC will

  • constantly and consistently endeavour to facilitate success for our Indigenous learners in their post-secondary journey, knowing that the journey itself is as important as the end result;
  • strive to increase the sensitivity and awareness of the College to Indigenous culture and issues;
  • work to create a welcoming, safe, and comfortable environment for Indigenous students where they can thrive and flourish as individuals and as members of our community.


The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) is committed to increasing Indigenous peoples’ access to and success in postsecondary education and training, and to closing the participation and achievement gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in the area of postsecondary education and training. The four operating principles of the IEC align with these commitments.

Increase the number of Indigenous learners accessing and participating in postsecondary education and training.

Increase Indigenous learners’ completion of postsecondary education and training programs resulting in degrees, diplomas, and certificates, and/or apprenticeship registration and certification.

Support/enhance/improve Indigenous learners’ transitions from secondary to postsecondary education, workforce to post-secondary education, undergraduate to graduate or professional studies, and postsecondary education and training to the workforce.

Strengthen partnerships and collaboration in promoting Indigenous learners’ access to and success in postsecondary education and training.


The IEC will be made up of College staff members who have an interest in Indigenous education. It could also have external Indigenous members from community organizations with whom the College partners in the area of education, as well as Indigenous students and/or graduate students. Ideally, the membership of the IEC will reflect the diversity of the communities in which our campuses and partners are located.

Chosen representatives, including the chairperson, will remain in their seats on the IEC for a two year term which may be renewable. As seats become vacant, new members will be recruited based on interest.

IEC membership will be confirmed on an annual basis by Nov. 1 of each calendar year.

IEC Membership 

Name  Institution  Email Address 
Amanda Cook 
Iohahi:IO Akwasasne Education and Training Institute  
Nathan Sunday  Youth Coordinator, Akwesasne Career & Employment Centre
Kayleigh Jordan-MacGregor  The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund
Liv Rondeau  Limestone District School Board
Kelly DeJong Iohahi:IO Akwasasne Education & Training Institute
Glenn Vollebregt  St. Lawrence College
Holly Brant  St. Lawrence College
Gertrude Schreoder  St. Lawrence College
Shirley Chiasson  St. Lawrence College  
Ross McMillan  St. Lawrence College
Shannon Hall 
St. Lawrence College
Shelley Aylesworth-Spink  St. Lawrence College
Mary Gauthier St. Lawrence College 
SLC Student Representatives    
April Marsolais  SLC - Cornwall  
Laurie Whitford  SLC - Cornwall  
Brad Box SLC - Kingston 
TBC  SLC - Brockville  

Decision Making

Ideally, decisions of the IEC will be made by a process of consensus-building. Consensus is a traditional Indigenous way of reaching a decision; consensus means that everyone present agrees with a decision or can accept the decision. The IEC will take the time to hear from all parties involved; everyone has a voice.

If consensus cannot be achieved after a reasonable amount of time and discussion, the issue will be resolved by a vote called at the discretion of the chairperson of the IEC. In the event of such a vote, quorum shall be 50% of the membership plus one.


Meetings of the IEC will be held a minimum of three times per year: once in the fall, the winter, and the spring. These meeting times will be planned in advance. Additional meetings may be called as necessary. Written notice of meetings and an agenda shall be sent out by the recording secretary on behalf of the Chair at least ten days prior to the meeting.


A recording secretary will be available to record minutes, which will be distributed in a timely fashion to all other members. The IEC minutes will be posted on the St. Lawrence College website.

Review of Terms of Reference

These terms of reference shall be reviewed annually by members of the IEC.