
Pride at SLC

Information on 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion and resources at SLC

Resources for SLC Students

Huddles are small groups of 2 to 4 students and a leader who will meet weekly, online or in-person as able. Organized around students’ needs, preferences, and schedules, huddle groups provide a safe and friendly space where individuals can give and receive support. Huddles build resilience and self-determination as students are provided with encouragement, opportunities to reflect, and a weekly check-in. To join a Huddle or for more information, contact

The SLC Alliance is an educational, social, and supportive group for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and their allies at St. Lawrence College. We are a mix of 2SLGBTQIA+ community members and allies who all have a common goal of making St. Lawrence College a safer place for everyone. We supply a safe space for students and faculty of the College to meet with other members of their community. We supply educational opportunities, social outlets, and support of the natural human need for emotional connection with others. In conjunction with other initiatives of SLC we help to foster a more positive and welcoming atmosphere for all people who learn, live, and work on our campuses.

Are you interested in joining the SLC Alliance or learning more about 2SLGBTQIA+ resources at SLC? Please email

Positive Space Initiative

The goal of the Positive Space Initiative is to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion of 2SLGBTQIA+ persons in every aspect of campus life by creating opportunities to increase awareness and engagement in our SLC community. 
Positive Space Training 
Positive Space is a 90-minute information session aimed at developing increased awareness, understanding, and acceptance of the issues of sexual identity and gender diversity at St. Lawrence College. It is available to all students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, it is a volunteer sticker campaign. After the training, Positive Space participants may choose to: 
Display a Positive Space signifier:

  • A Positive Space signifier identifies the intention to create an accepting and supportive environment with respect to issues of sexual identity and gender diversity.
  • Display a Positive Space sticker in a visible place that you have control over, such as your office or workspace or laptop. If you share a workspace, please ensure that your office mate is also a participant in the program before affixing the sticker to the entrance to your shared space. 
  • Participants may also add a Positive Space signifier to their email electronic signature.

Be a resource:

  • Act in a sensitive and compassionate manner towards the needs of the LGBTQQ2S+ community on campus. 
    Respect the confidentiality of those who contact you.
  • Maintain an up-to-date list of community resources.
  • Be an empathetic listener but not a counsellor. Know where to refer people who require more assistance.
  • Do not condone homophobic, transphobic, or heterosexist actions.
  • Be willing to explain to others what the Positive Space Campaign is and consider referring others to participate. 

Positive Space Working Group 
Positive Space training is delivered by members of the Positive Space Working Group. This group is comprised of staff members of Student Wellness and Accessibility, Human Resources and Occupational Development, and the School of Contemporary Teaching and Learning who have been trained to deliver the workshop. 
How do I participate? 
To express your interest in completing Positive Space Training, please email Ashleigh Fortune at

Self-identify your pronouns using SNAP! Identity Update
SLC ITS launched the SNAP! Identity Update, a quick way to enable your pronouns to be displayed next to your name in the Teams participant list, email, the SLC email address book, and wherever your contact information is shown in Microsoft Office 365.  

Why is it important to self-identify your pronouns and make it visible? Pronouns are used to signify an individual’s gender. Gender is fluid and goes beyond the binary terms of she/her/hers and he/him/his. Various non-binary pronouns are used such as, they/them, xe/xem, ze/zim, and sie/hir. When an individual self-identifies their pronoun, it helps remove the assumption for another person. It also helps to create a more gender-inclusive environment because it normalizes and recognizes assumptions should never be made, no matter how an individual identifies.

How to change or add your pronouns to your name at SLC:

  • Visit
  • Fill in your information
  • Check box – “Show Pronouns in Display” and click “Update”

Community resources

  • HIV/AIDS Regional Services (HARS) – providing education and support programs around HIV/AIDS plus as well as some Hepatitis C services. Includes a Youth Outreach program for LGBTQ+ youth under 19.
  • Ontario Aboriginal HIV/AIDS Strategy (OAHAS) - - 844a Princess Street - OAHAS provides free, confidential information, education, services to urban and rural Aboriginal people who are living with, at risk for, or affected by HIV/AIDS. Services are client-centered and culturally based.
  • Coming Out, Living After - a queer community discussion group for all members of the Kingston community.
  • Sexual Health Resource Centre - confidential, non-judgmental, sex positive, pro-choice, queer positive, non-heterosexist and feminist information and referral service for questions regarding sex, sexuality and sexual health.
  • Education on Queer Issues Project - 613.533.2725
  • Out/In Kingston - an event portal for LGBTQ+ events in Kingston. Website also features a comprehensive resource listing.
  • Kingston Pride - The LGBT Pride Committee meets throughout the year and is always looking for volunteers.
  • Kingston Reelout queer Video + film Festival - - Kingston's annual queer film festival features queer-themed films from around the world, panel discussion, receptions and social events. It is typically held in January and February.
  • Queers at Queens
  • PFLAG Canada, Kingston Chapter - a national charitable organization that speaks for a more accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and resources to all people who wish to grow in their understanding of sexual and gender diversity.
  • TransFamily Kingston - a community of support for trans folk, family, and friends. Website also features a comprehensive resource listing.
  • Transgender Health Clinic - located at the Kingston Community Health Centres at 263 Weller Avenue. To learn more or book an appointment, contact the clinic by email at or by phone at 613.542.2949 ext. 1166.
    Referrals can also be made through KCHC to the following 2 clinics:
    - Queen's Family Health Team (QFHT) - runs a gender-diversity clinic one half-day per week.
    - Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) - runs one half-day per month.
  • LGBT2SQ Social Gathering monthly gathering for LGBT2SQ community members and family/allies. Provides a safe environment for support, education and resources.
  • PFLAG Canada, Cornwall Chapter - offers local, practical, and emotional peer-to-peer family support for individuals and their loved ones challenged by gender/sexual identity and gender expression. Supports, educates and provides resources to anyone with questions or concerns.
  • Good2Talk – a free, confidential and anonymous helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365. Phone: 1.866.925.5454 or dial 2-1-1 and ask to be connected with Good2Talk.
  • Rainbow Health Ontario -working to improve the health and well-being of LGBTQ people in Ontario, and to increase access to competent and LGBTQ friendly health care services across the province.
  • Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line - confidential, non-judgmental, and informed LGBTTQQ2SI peer support. Phone: 1.800.268.9688. Text: 647.694.4275.
  • International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association -
  • Trans Life Line - providing culturally competent services to Trans and gender nonconforming people in crisis. Phone: 877.330.6366
  • AVEN - the world's largest online asexual community as well as a large archive of resources on asexuality.

Pride at SLC

In 2024, SLC’s Pride Committee organized a number of events across all 3 campuses, including panel sessions, local author meet-and-greet, Peers for Queers social events, crosswalk painting, parade involvement, and more!

Stay tuned for information on 2025 Pride at SLC, coming soon!

Polina Buchan smiles outside, in the background there are many people participating at a Pride event

Polina Buchan (she/her)

Professor, School of Business (Kingston)

I'm a Marketing prof at the School of Business in Kingston, and I am bisexual. It's taken me years to be able to say this clearly and with pride, even though I have always been bisexual. My barriers to coming out have been numerous: fear of judgement, impostor syndrome, and having experienced some LGBTQ2SA+ spaces as less than welcoming to bisexual people, to name a few. But I think my biggest barrier has been lack of representation. I haven't seen many "out" bisexual people in positions of authority, in media, or at school and in my workplaces. There is an outdated 2011 study from UCLA (and not much more since then) that concluded that there are at least as many bisexual people as gay AND lesbian people combined (Gates, 2011). If that's true, where are they? My guess is, they are experiencing similar barriers to being loud and proud about who they are as I have. So, to me, building a community of Pride means being visible, so others can feel like they belong. When we notice ourselves represented in others, it makes us feel seen, heard and embraced by our communities, regardless of whether we need or want to "come out", or not.

leslie casson headshot

Les Casson (she/they)

Associate Dean, Arts, Media & Design (Incoming Dean, Faculty of Creative Industries and Brockville Campus, Fall 2022)

I’ve been an educator for over thirty years. Most of my teaching years were spent helping students improve their writing and communication skills; however, I also taught a bit of typing and drama to high-school students and have the emotional scars to prove it. I’ve toured as a musician, spent a lot of time on tractors, published a children’s book, recorded some CDs, and earned a few degrees. I tried team sports in my 40s but discovered I’m not that kind of lesbian. I’m a pretty good drummer, but a better writer. I had a spectacular mullet in the 80s, but still had no idea. I’m queer... and also nearsighted. I knew only one of these things in my 20s.

Crystal Graveline is pictured sitting at her desk at SLC

Crystal Graveline (she/her)

Student Success Facilitator

Building a Community of Pride is so incredibly important to me as an ally. I see a beautiful community of pride in my friends, family, and SLC community. A wonderful group of people dedicated to human rights and equality and I am proud to be apart of it! My child identifies as non-binary, trans, and pan and I couldn't be prouder of the person they are growing up to be. Each and every person deserves a safe space to express themselves and truly be the person they are meant to be. No matter how you identify, you are welcome and safe at SLC. Love is never wrong.

katie irvine headshot

Katie Irvine (she/her)

Student, Musical Theatre Program, Brockville

I’m Katie Irvine! I’m entering my third year in the Music Theatre – Performance program at St. Lawrence College, and I am a bisexual woman. My journey of emergence into my queer identity was a long one (despite knowing I was not straight since around the age of 10), but I’m so proud to be celebrating my first-ever Pride out of the closet this year! As someone who has only been in relationships that appear straight-passing, it took a long time for me to feel comfortable coming out because I didn’t want to appear as though I was appropriating queer culture or inserting myself into a space where I didn’t belong. The biphobic microaggressions that I witnessed within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community itself, as well as my own internalized homophobia, certainly didn’t help. However, I came to the realization that if I wanted to be my happiest and most authentic self, I needed to extend the same love I have for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to myself. I also realized that my loving a man does not negate my bisexuality, and that my feelings are just as valid as any other queer person’s! Now, I’m so proud of who I am. I wouldn’t change a thing!

Jordan Isbell pictured with a dog at their Vet Tech student placement

Jordan Isbell


Building a community of Pride at SLC means building a place where everyone feels included and safe to talk openly about their gender. This community was a big help in my first two years of school.

Caryn Langstaff

Caryn Langstaff

Director of Health, Wellness & Accessibility

As a fierce ally, Building a Community of Pride means contributing to a community of love, peace and acceptance. It means zero tolerance for discrimination and hate. It’s contributing to a community where everyone is empowered and safe to boldly and proudly celebrate, to live our truths, and to unabashedly, deservedly and authentically ‘be’.

Carmen Law is pictured outside, smiling, and wears a black t-shirt that says Leadership has no boundaries

Carmen Law (she/her)

Director, Belonging, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

I'm Carmen and I'm new to the SLC community! I've been very lucky to have lived across Canada and abroad. It has truly opened my eyes to so many different ways to see, feel, and experience love. Love does not fit in a box or should be hidden away. Instead, it needs to extend its reach and shared widely. I truly believe in the power of being able to celebrate who you are as a whole self! And when you have others to celebrate with, it feels even better. It was more recently, I've been more comfortable with celebrating me and then letting others in to join the party. My journey of queerness has been a long one and it continues to this day. I often told myself "love" is a construct created by large media corporations as a way to sell stories and a dream to then sell products. It was a way to protect myself, to tell myself "love wasn't real". That is, until my partner found me. Building a Community of Pride is not just about inviting all identities to the party and inviting them to dance, it's about actively making the dance floor a comfortable and fun place where people can and want to dance. We are cheering people on while they are dancing, we are sharing their dance with others! It is about building a community where we are all free to dance and dance how we want!

Jennifer Lowe holds a diploma as they pose for their graduation photo in cap and gown

Jennifer Lowe

Graduate, Class of 2022

I believe that everyone has a right to be who they are and should never have to change just because they are told to. What building a community of pride means to me as an ally is that every individual in the community can feel accepted and welcome and have the support they need at anytime, but also not have to worry about being judged or discriminated for being who they are. A person should not have to change to fit in or to be accepted individuals should be accepted and be allowed to feel free to express who they truly are. "Never Judge A Book By Its Cover". Building a strong community, working together, keep raising awareness, and making differences will help show that everyone has a right and should never be judged or discriminated!

terry mcginn headshot

Terry McGinn (she/her)

Student Association President, Kingston Campus

For my whole life I’ve tried to be a good representative and advocate for the queer and trans communities. One of my proudest moments as an advocate was being the only out trans-identified member of a national youth summit at which issues facing Canadian youth were discussed and captured. This work informed the decisions and positions taken by the Canadian Secretary of State for Children and Youth during the creation of the Lisbon Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes. I have worked with youth-focused community groups to help train student resource officers on ways to interact with queer and trans students in their schools. I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to be a member of many organization boards, committees, and panels aimed at improving the lives and experiences of queer and trans youth. I continue to work hard to bring forward, and look for solutions to, the issues facing queer and trans youth in all my work at St. Lawrence College and in our communities.

Kat McMillan, Library & Copyright Education Technician, stands in front of the SLC Library shelf displaying 2SLGBTQIA+ books.

Kat McMillan (she/her)

Library & Copyright Education Technician

I'm Kat and I have been working in the Kingston Library since 2016. I am a cisgender and bisexual woman who is married to a cisgender man. While I primarily identify as Bisexual, I prefer the term Sapphic. My queer journey began in Grade 10, when I kissed a friend of mine at a music festival, and not to be really corny but I liked it. I was lucky in high school that we had a good 2SLGBTQIA+ presence and almost every single one of my close friends was apart of it. A goal in my day to day life is to raise awareness that current or past relationships do not erase anyone's bisexuality, or any sexuality, period. Biphobia has no room at my table. The library is a safe space for everyone. In the adapted words of *NSYNC: "It ain't no lie / Baby, I'm bi bi bi (bi bi)".

Braydon Nicola stands outside in front of the St Lawrence River

Braydon Nicola

VP Of Student Life, Cornwall Student Union

My name is Braydon and I identify as a proud gay man. I am currently enrolled in the Social Service Worker program and loving it. I can't wait to get out there and work within our community and help others. Especially people who identify as a member of the LGBTQQ2S+ community. I think building a community of pride to means to me, being able to help build each other up and be there to support one another. To give access to the younger generation in regards to figuring out themselves and understanding their own sexuality or identity to help them grow. I didn't have access to the amount of things teens and kids have these days to help me understand what I was going through.

Tamara Quenneville

Tamara Quenneville (she/they)


I identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. To me, building a community of Pride at SLC means acceptance and equality for all members, and normalizing everyone and their identities. It means being able to walk freely and proudly with our identities without the fear of discrimination or potential harm.

ian simpson headshot

Ian Simpson (he/him)

Faculty in Brockville Musical Theatre Program

Ian has been a professional actor/singer for over 35 years and has worked at SLC since 2014.He has performed across Canada, the US, Mexico, Japan, and Taiwan. Of the many shows he has done over the years he is honoured to have played roles in musicals that highlight the LGBTQQ2S+ experience. he believes that discussing in class the importance of representation in Musical Theatre and hearing stories from diverse voices is imperative. Part of these discussions is examining musicals that represent the LGBTQQ2S+ community in positive ways and in the future he looks forward to more musicals and plays written by, and about, this wonderful community. “I came out in 1984 when I was a student at Queen’s and felt lucky to have had supportive friends and family. I know that this isn’t the case for everyone and I strive to be an ally and mentor to anyone who may be struggling” For 23 years Ian has split his time between his home in Canada and the San Francisco Bay Area with his partner, Rich.

Richard Webster

Richard Webster (he/him/his)

International Education Manager, Community Development

I joined SLC in 2018 as Internationalization Lead, where I led the development of SLC’s first Global Engagement Strategy, and began teaching part-time soon after. Currently, I’m the College’s International Education Manager of Community Development, working to deepen the integration of our international students and graduates in our tri-campus communities. 

I "came out" at the age of 21 when I was home from university on Thanksgiving and haven’t looked back since. I’m deeply grateful for being part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and for me, growing up with that feeling of being different became my 'superpower' in the end! It instilled in me a curiosity for the world, an interest in diversity in all its forms, a sensitivity to social inequality and injustice and an open heart. I’ve lived, studied and worked in 5 countries, traveled to many more, and today call Kingston home with my partner Ben and our dog, Archie. 

In my view, building SLC’s Community of Pride is about raising awareness, increasing 2SLGBTQ+ visibility, celebrating the community and allyship and ensuring supports and resources, including those that are culturally-inclusive, are available for our students and employees. Happy Pride this month and every month that follows!